Saturday, 28 February 2015


Saturday. Feb. 28, 2015
We were at the alterationist's.
Mom was fixated on my tummy.
She thought it was too big.
She mentioned it over and over again.
She said my tummy was sticking out further than my breasts.
She asked if I had been to the doctor recently and if the doctor had been worried about the size of my stomach.
She said that she didn't want me to pass away before she did.
It's funny how she can talk a lot about some things and not at all about others.

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Mom was angry with me because we had to wait 10 minutes for the bus.  It's tricky to judge when to go to the bus stop when the bus comes every 12 minutes.  If she sees the bus go by, she gets angry because we've just missed it.  Sometimes the bus comes early and sometimes it comes late.  Anyways she gets angry if she has to wait 10 minutes.  She tells me that I should know how to read a bus schedule.  She says it's always like this.  It ask her not to be mean to me because sometimes the bus comes late.

Saturday, August 15, 2015
Mom told me that I was slouching again.  She said it was a very bad habit.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Persia Foods

Mom went grocery shopping on Wednesday, Feb. 18th.
I have her receipt.
She bought green onions, a daikon (long white radish), jumbo carrot, long English cucumber,  broccoli, and a yellow onion.
That's a lot of skills she has demonstrated.

She went grocery shopping again.  Maybe Friday, Feb. 27th.  I can't find a receipt.
The home support agency called to say my mom wasn't answering the buzzer.  She showed up eventually while the support worker was still buzzing at the door.

She may have even gone out on Wednesday, Feb. 25th again because her volunteer visitor couldn't get a hold of her.

I found a receipt from March 4th, 2015.  She bought beans, apples, an onion and oranges.

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Friday, Feb. 20, 2015
When I got to Mom's place, I noticed there was a chair by the window.
I asked mom what happened.  After some hesitation, my mom said that she was sitting by the window to see if she could see me get off the bus.   I wonder how long she had been waiting. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015
Mom hates waiting.  She hates waiting for the elevator.  She hates waiting for the bus.  She wonders why I don't check the schedule.  She gets very impatient.
What she doesn't realize is that I am always waiting for her.   I have to cue her because she doesn't remember.  I have to make sure she has her bag, her keys, appropriate clothes for the weather, her bus pass, she's gone to the toilet, she's had something to drink, etc.  Sometimes I'm just tired and I get impatient.

Dishwashing liquid

March 6, 2011
Mom was complaining about someone pouring out her dish washing liquid and replacing it with water.  I tried to reason with her.  I said maybe she had put the water in the bottle to clean it.  She insists someone is sneaking into her apartment and playing tricks on her.

August 15, 2015
I was going downstairs to do laundry.  Mom said she would come with me.  I poured some laundry detergent into the cap and asked her to carry it.  She asked me what it was and I told her that it was soap.  I turned just in time to see her take the cap away from her mouth.  I told her it was poison and she spit it out.  Yoko had said to someone that people with dementia will drink dish washing liquid, but I didn't believe it.  Luckily, I caught mom in time.

Hair Appointment with George

Jan. 20th, 2011
Mom went to a hair appointment with George.

Saturday, March 14, 2015.
Mom says she needs a haircut.  I told her she had an appointment in two weeks.  She says she needs a haircut now.  I asked her if she wanted me to cut her bangs.  She said the sides were too long.  I had her hair cut shorter before because she didn't have much hair and I thought a layered look would be more attractive, but now that she is eating better, her hair is less sparse.  The hair dresser and I thought we would go back to her old hair style.

Sunday, March 22, 2015
Mom insists that she was supposed to have an appointment this week.  I told her it was next week.
She says she was supposed to have an appointment 3 weeks ago.

Appointment with Heidi

Jan. 19th 2011
Mom went by bus to her appointment with Heidi at Burnaby Mental Health.


Jan. 1, 2011
Mom does not want to take any medication.
She says she gets side effects.
She says it makes her incontinent.
She finds lots of reasons not to take her medication.
She says the doctor made a mistake.
She says there is nothing wrong with her.
She says the medicine is making her sick.

Jan. 21, 2011
Dr. Rajabali said that mom could not get the dosage for her medication reduced.

Feb. 13, 2011
Mom says she is only taking a quarter of the pill.

March 7, 2015
I forgot mom's medication.  I remembered around 7:30 p.m.  I put in a DVD of Home Alone in the player.  Got on a bus, got the meds, got back on another bus and got back home in an hour.  Mom was worried.  She said she didn't know that I was going to be gone for so long.  

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Mom was angry when I called her at 9:00 p.m.  She said she had been waiting for the support worker to give her her medication.  I told her that I had already given it to her at 7:00 p.m.  She was angry that I hadn't told her.

Sunday, March 22, 2015
Called mom at 8:00 p.m. to remind her that I had already given her her medication and that she didn't have to wait for the support worker.  I decided to hire the support worker for Sunday night as well.

Saturday, May 16, 2015
I called the pharmacy and asked if I could have extra medication for when I forget to bring mom's pills home with me.  I've forgotten a few times and although I have been able to go back to mom's place and get them, it has been very inconvenient.  The pharmacy said they would give me a few doses.  I can't remember, but maybe Chris suggested this.

Friday, September 11, 2015
I can't believe the psychiatrist screwed up mom's prescription.  He asked me if I wanted to reduce mom's risperidone and I said sure.  Then he said it would be difficult to reduce her dosage so he would give her the pill on alternate days.  I thought something wasn't right so I checked her prescription when I got home.  I contacted the social worker today and told her.  M. said that she would call the pharmacy.  Yikes!  Mom hasn't been on risperidone for 3 months.  I noticed that she has been sleeping more and was more alert when she was awake.  She's been complaining more and being more active.   She took a bunch of stuff out of the closet the other day.

Saturday afternoon

Saturday, February 21st, 2015 3:30 p.m.
Mom is resting on the couch in my living room.
She is watching ice dancing, but I think she has fallen asleep.
She just had a snack of hot chocolate, and a chocolate truffle.
She didn't eat the oat cookies or the mandarin orange.
She said she didn't sleep well last night.

7:50 p.m.
My friend bought my mom a DVD of her favourite movie: Home Alone.
She's watching it now.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Tea stains on the rug

Last June 2010
Mom complained about tea stains on the rug.
I told her that she must have done it and forgotten.
She was adamant that it was not her.
She said it was me.  She said that I had entered her suite, made a cup of tea and then spilled it.  I kept denying and she kept insisting it was not her but I who had spilled the tea.  She wouldn't let me clean it until months later and then the stain wouldn't come out.

The thermostat

Thursday, June 14, 2010
Mom complains a lot.
Mom wanted her thermostat to read 26C.
I had written out the instructions for her. Although she could read the words, she couldn't understand what to do.  I reset the thermostat for her, even though I thought it was too warm.

October 16, 2010
Mom asked me to change the thermostat to 23C.  I asked her if she had read my instructions.  She doesn't understand the difference between the setting and the actual temperature.  I reset her thermostat.  Mom hemmed my dress.

January 1, 2011
The thermostat was set for 21.5C.  Mom said she hadn't touched the thermostat.  She said the heater was broken. I reset the setting to 25C.  Immediately, the heater came on.  "See,"  I said,"There's nothing wrong with the heater."  Mom didn't care.


Mom has Alzheimer's Disease

Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease on April 22, 2014.
They asked her simple questions like: What is the year?  What day of the week is it?  What month is it?  What season is it?  She couldn't answer any of these.
It was a shock.  I hadn't realized how far gone she was until this moment.
Poor mom.  I had thought she was mentally ill.  I had thought she was a hypochondriac.