Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Mom ate 1/3 of her dinner!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Hallelujah!  Mom ate one-third of her dinner.  She ate most of the pureed meat and potato.  I put the spoon in her hand and she started to eat her dinner.  I was flabbergasted.  As was Sabra.  She then proceeded to mix all her food up, blending the leftover potato into the pureed peas and carrots which she did not eat.
She drank an extra cup of apple juice and she did drink some Boost and milk.  She ate a cheese puff.
I visited the cats.  Jacquie was not there.  Pip and Percy were both up and about in Jacquie's room.  They kind of played with the ball on a string that I brought.  They are both fat cats.  I'll have to give them a good brush.
Chris remarked that mom was in a good mood.
She was chatty and engaged.
I brought Edward's vest to the nursing station.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Mom was sitting in the lobby

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019
Mom was sitting in the entrance hallway when I arrived at 5:45 p.m.
I asked her if she wanted to get up, but she couldn't or wouldn't.
I found her wheelchair in the dining room beside her table and wheeled it back to her.
I got her a juice from the refrigerator.  She insisted that we share it.  It tasted like Koolaid. 
I overheard Jacquie talking to two ladies.  She had adopted two black cats.  Pip and Percy.  I was so excited to hear the news.  The original owner passed away and left a legacy for the cats.  The cats are 10 years old.  They are two brothers.
I finally coaxed mom into the wheelchair and headed to Jacquie's room to see the cats.  They were hiding under her dresser.  It's amazing they fit there.  Percy is sooooo fat!  He let me scratch his head and eventually, he came out a little from the dresser.  Jacquie asked me to pull him out.  I pulled him out and he was huge!  I couldn't believe that he could under the chest of drawers.  Pip wouldn't come out.  Percy was purring and very affectionate.  I put him in Jacquie's lap.  Mom wasn't very interested.
I read Little Red Riding Hood to mom.  Mom was talkative.  She ate the cheese puffs I gave her and drank all of the juice.
I left her to sit with Donna and Joan.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Mom doesn't want to go to the races

Monday, May 27, 2019
Mom is behaving at the dinner table.  She is chatting a lot with the care aide.  She is flattering her.  She isn't eating anything.  After dinner, I take her to the fish tank room.  They are setting up for horse races.  Mom only throws the die once after much coaxing from me.  The volunteer is frustrated.  I take mom out of the game.
I am able to get mom to eat cheese puffs, a piece of pork - I'm a bit worried about this because she is really working it.  She drinks all of her super Boost.  She drinks some apple juice.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Mom is playing with her food.

Sunday, May 26, 2019
Mom hadn't had anything for lunch.  She ate almost nothing while I was there. 
I took her to the thrift shop and at first she seemed to enjoy looking at clothes and commenting, but then she got restless.  I took her to the toilet, but she wasn't cooperative.  I was going to read Little Red Riding Hood in Japanese, but she was kind of distracted.  She was quite talkative, but she seemed to be complaining about something.I tried to toilet her several times, but she wouldn't get up from the wheelchair. 
I gave her some Cheese puffs, some apple and some cheese on a paper towel.  She proceeded to make smaller pieces.  She got another paper towel and she laid out her pieces of food on it.  She got the spoon from the pureed peach and drizzled the paper towel with pureed peach.  I wonder if she was making some kind of pastry or sushi.
Finally, she was ready to go to the toilet.  I was able to get her diaper off, but she pulled up her pants, sat back down in her wheelchair and wouldn't let me put her diaper back on.  I got some assistance from two aides.  The brought in the lifting machine.  Got her to stand up and put the diaper on her.
When we got back to the table, someone had cleared it.  I had now lost both of the baby spoons.
We had coffee time.  I got apple juice for mom and gave her two Cheese puffs.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Mom is in distress

Saturday, May 25th, 2019
When I arrived at 12:35, mom was not sitting with Edward and Donna.  She was in the fish tank room, slumped over in her wheelchair.  It looked like she hadn't drunk or eaten anything.  I didn't see an empty cup of apple juice.  When she came too, she was in distress.  She said that something hurt and she cried.  I held her hand and she seemed better.  She nodded off and on.  She seemed distressed again, but I was able to calm her. 
Apparently, she was agitated this morning so they gave her a pain killer by injection.  I wonder if she had any breakfast.
She didn't eat or drink anything.  I put a headset on her and she seemed fine with that.
At 1:45 there was a foam stick and balloon activity and I brought mom there to participate.  Mostly she was engaged, but she did nod off a couple of times.
After the activity, I took her to the dining room for coffee.  I brought Donna too.  Donna has diarrhea.  The nurse wants to try not giving her milk.  She told Donna, but apparently not the kitchen staff.
Mom drank some of her Boost.  She ate a couple of baby spoonfuls of the pureed peach.  She ate some Cheese puffs (aka Cheesies, Cheetos)
She was in good spirits.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Mom eats apple sauce by herself!

Friday, May 24, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table with Edward and Donna.  She had already drunk her apple juice.  She wasn't interested in the food at all.  Jacquie joined the table and then one of the aides sat with us to feed Donna.  I ate some of mom's pureed food to show her it was harmless, but she wouldn't eat any.   She ate a couple of Cheetos.  She drank all of her Boost.  I took the pureed apple and stirred it with a spoon.  She took her pureed apple and ate all of it!  She took a banana, peeled it and ate about half.  We were all so happy to see mom eat.  I had tears in my eyes.
She was still chewing on the banana when I took her to the fish tank room.  She saw that they were setting up to play her favourite game where you hit a balloon with a foam stick.  I took her out to the circle and she had a good time.
I brought her back to the table where I had her leftover milk and pureed food, but she would have none of it.  She did eat some Cheetos.  Zorka and a Russian lady were sitting with us.  Zorka talks very loud and she doesn't hear so well.  The Russian lady repeatedly told Zorka that she did not speak English.  I had to translate for her.
Zorka wanted to interact with mom, but mom did not know what to make of her.  Zorka winked at mom and mom was confused.
Later mom was served Boost and an egg sandwich that I asked for.  Mom wouldn't eat the egg sandwich so I ate it.  I hadn't had any dinner and it was delicious.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019


Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mom only drank her apple juice.  She drank a tiny bit of Boost.
She ate nothing at dinner.  She was very alert and tried to engage in conversation with everyone at the table. 
After dinner, I took her to a table in the fish tank room and tried to get her to eat some Cheetos.  She ate one.  She put a Cheeto in her apple juice so I had to eat it.
She played with the bubble wrap but was more interested in folding it than popping it.
I took her to the washroom, but she wouldn't get out of the wheelchair.
Today she seemed to be okay with Chris.
She didn't seem to be interested in her Little Red Riding Hood book today.
She didn't want to listen to her Japanese music.
She wasn't interested in her caterpillar.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019


Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Mom was totally out of it when I arrived.  She looked like she was in a drugged stupor.  The dentist saw her today.  They gave her Ativan the nurse told me.  Mom was so stiff.  The nurse also told me that mom was not on any medication since she wouldn't drink it.  Mom has been drinking Boost lately.  Oh, well.
After dinner, mom came too.  I massaged her arms and legs because they were still and cold.
I put the headset on her and she drank all her apple juice.  I don't think they served her any Boost for dinner.  Just milk and juice.
She had food or something down her neck and her shirt.  I got a warm cloth and was able to wipe her neck and face.  She didn't object.
I read Little Red Riding Hood.  Mom was mostly interested in her bib and her seatbelt.  She tried to stand up a few times, but luckily decided that sitting was best.
She ate a couple of Cheetos.
I left her in the fish tank room with juice and milk and a Cheeto.  I gave her the caterpillar toy, but she was more interested in her bib.

Monday, 20 May 2019


Monday, May 20, 2019
Jacquie said mom ate a spoonful of pudding.  She drank all her medication, her Boost and her apple juice.  Hurray.  I gave her a toy caterpillar that I bought from Ikea.  She was more interested in her bib.  After her liquid dinner, I took her to her room to collect her headset and Little Red Riding Hood book.  First I read Little Red Riding Hood.  She was engrossed.  I then put the headset on her and massaged her feet.  Each time a song ended, she took the earbud out of her ear.  Each time a song started, I put the earbud back.  We ate a bag of Cheetos together.
I took her to the fish tank room and I reintroduced the caterpillar toy.  I stretched it out and it played a song as it scrunched back up.  She was interested in the tags hanging from the caterpillar. 

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Mom dumps bag of Cheetos

Sunday, May 19, 2019
Mom was sitting with Edward and Donna when I arrived.  Food had already been served.  Mom didn't appear to have eaten or drunk anything.  I gave mom a bag of Cheetos.  She tried to open the wrong end and then spilled all the Cheetos on the ground.  She was very interested in the bag.  I think she knows that she did something wrong.  I ate my salad and mom continued to play with the empty Cheetos bag.  She took a Cheeto and tried to peel it.  She crushed a Cheeto and then tasted it.
I moved mom to the television room.  I brought all our food with us.  The kitchen sink is still out of commission.  So annoying.
I put some yokan on a stick and bit a piece off.  I gave it to mom and she did the same thing.
I also read Little Red Riding Hood in Japanese.  Somehow if I speak in Japanese, it seems to bring her back so that she eats something.  I was even able to give her a piece of Laughing Cow cheese by putting it on the end of a stick.  I massaged mom's legs. 
At some point, she apologized to me.  It made me feel very sad.
Mom drank all of her apple juice and a little of her medication.
Mom did some bubble wrap too.  She tries to flatten it out and then roll it like a sushi roll.
When I left her, she was folding her bib.

Saturday, 18 May 2019


Saturday, May 18th, 2019
Mom ate nothing for dinner.  She drank some apple juice.  She ate a piece of cracker with melted cheddar cheese.  She chewed so much I was worried she had put something else in her mouth.
Mom was playing with her seatbelt.  She was folding it and twisting it.
She seemed kind of dopey and was falling asleep so I asked the nurse if she had been given some medication.  She said that I should ask the other nurse. Eventually, she came to see me and she said that mom had drunk some medication to help her sleep.  She said mom was combative for toileting.
Mom had torn up the first page of "Little Red Riding Hood."  I had to ask for tape to tape it back together.  I read her the story twice.  She was engaged and cooperative.   She ate some Cheetos.  She finished her apple juice.
I took her to the fish tank room. 
I thought there was something in her mouth so I kept trying to get her to open her mouth by closing her nostrils.  In the end, I didn't find anything.  But the good news is that she drank all of her Boost from dinner and her nighttime Boost as well.  Apparently, she drank a cup of Boost yesterday as well.  It looks like her appetite is coming back.
I put a brown shirt on her and it looked very smart.
She was very interested in the buttons.

Mom won't eat or drink anything

Saturday, May 18, 2019
Mom was sitting with Donna in the fish tank room when I arrived.  Someone had brought over mom's unfinished beverages.  I think mom gave Donna some leftover coffee which Donna drank all of. 
Mom was not interested in eating or drinking anything at all.  Mom was restless and pushing herself away from the table so I decided to toilet her.  I cleaned poop off the toilet seat and otherwise prepared to toilet her and then she refused.
She was very interested in putting an elastic around a corner of the Cheetoh's bag.  She spent over 45 minutes twisting the elastic around the corner.  She would not release it to me.
She wasn't interested in popping bubbles in the bubble wrap.  She kept folding it up and wanting to place the food that I was offering her on top of it.  I wonder if she thought she was making sushi.
A recreational therapist came by and invited mom to come and participate.  Mom still wouldn't release the Cheetoh's bag.  She took the Cheetoh's bag with her to the activity.  Everyone was sitting in a circle.  I was finally able to get the Cheetoh's bag with the elastic.
The kitchen sink is "out of order" again:(

Thursday, 16 May 2019

A brief visit

Thursday, May 16, 2019
Mom was sitting at the nursing station when I arrived.  She seemed happy to see us.  We took her to a table and Charlene massaged her legs and I rubbed her back.  She ate half a cheesie and a couple of sips of water sprayed with flavouring.  She was talkative.  She took off her jacket.  We put her back where we found her.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Doris Day

Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Mom was sitting with the group today.  She drank her apple juice and my apple juice.
I was able to put some spaghetti in her mouth.  She only had one bite.  She ate a black rice cracker.
Jacquie got a new electric wheelchair.  She didn't look so good today - kind of bloated and swollen.
Edward joined us today.  Donna was taken away early and put to bed.
Mom ate quite a few cheesies today.  And a couple of black rice crackers.  I gave mom cheesies one by one.  She occupied herself with bubble wrap.  I tried to introduce a couple of baby toys, but they proved to be too difficult for her.  She tried to eat one of the plastic rings.
I massaged her legs and arms and she liked that.
Jacquie said mom tried to eat her book.  I forgot to look for her book.

Monday, 13 May 2019

LIttle Red Riding Hood

Monday, May 13, 2019
I sat with mom today for dinner.  She had taken a carnation and broken the stem.
She ate nothing for dinner.
She drank two apple juices.  She drank some milk and some Boost.
I took her to the washroom three times, but she wouldn't let me toilet her.
She played her favourite hit the balloon with a foam stick game.
She ate a piece of Yokan, some Cheesies, some juice.
I read Little Red Riding Hood.
She was trying to take the first page apart.
I gave her a massage and she enjoyed it.  I rubbed her arms and back and legs.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Mother's Day

Sunday, May 12, 2019
Ethel came to visit mom for coffee time.  Mom ate and drank very little.  She ate a piece of cheese, but she had it in her mouth for a long time.  We had lunch with mom. She played with bubble wrap and looked at some Japanese children's books. 
I cut up Donna's food for her and helped her put it on her fork.
I tried to toilet mom a couple of times, but she was not cooperative.
Mom was engaged and talkative.  We left her with Cheesies and the Japanese books which she seemed to be very engrossed in.
One of the male Asian aides told me that mom should have a proper comb.  He also said that I should not leave mom's bib on the table, when I did not give it up.
I bought a couple of white combs for mom at the dollar store and labeled them. 
I came back again for dinner.  She had the Japanese books with her.  They seemed a bit worse for wear and a little damp.  I brought a salad.  I helped Donna with her food.  Mom ate nothing.  She drank some apple juice and Boost.  She ate a tiny bite of banana, but seemed to have a difficult time chewing it.  Turned out she had put a large piece of banana skin in her mouth.
Later I noticed there was something in her mouth that she was laboriously chewing on.  I tried to get it out of her mouth.  First I got some greenish bits, and I thought she might have eaten some kind of plants, but eventually, I was able to pull out a larger large piece of banana peel.  Yikes!
She ate some cheesies and yokan.  I cut a small piece and she ate it.  She was happy.  I cut some more pieces.  I ate a piece and there were two pieces left.  She took two pieces and put them both in her mouth.  She drank some Boost too.
I read Little Red Riding hood for her in Japanese.  We went through it twice.
I left her with some apple juice and Boost.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Finger and toe nails

Saturday, May 11, 2019
Mom was trying to clean up some creamer on the table that she spilled.  She hadn't touched her beverages and was not interested in her meal or dessert.  She enjoyed the interaction with Charlene.  I helped Donna with her food.  No Edward today.  I don't think I saw him yesterday either.  Shanta had a lot of guests.
Mom poured some of her Boost into her apple juice.  She drank the apple juice that was resting on top of the Boost that had sunk to the bottom.
I tried to toilet mom 3 times.  The first time she didn't want to leave the table, the second time, someone was already in the washroom, the 3rd time, she didn't want to get up from the wheelchair.
I was able to cut and file her fingernails and clip her toenails.
Mom put her fingers in the ice cream and then rubbed her hands together.  I ate the ice cream cone and then cleaned her hands.
She took some cheesies and smeared the cheese all over hands and in the end, did not eat them.
She did take a few sips of Boost.
She enjoyed playing with the bubble wrap.
Charlene noticed the inner part of mom's eyes were red.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Ice-cream cone

Friday, May 10, 2019
Looked like mom had finished her apple juice and had maybe drunk some of her Boost.  She had also spilled something.  That could also have been her Boost.  She ate a few Cheesies.
She drank all of my apple juice. 
It was quite warm today so we sat outside on the veranda. I soaked her nails.  I cleaned under nails.
I toileted her.  She had already peed in her diaper.  She had trouble standing today.  She did sit on the toilet. 
She didn't eat any crackers or raspberries.  She had a little bit of the baby ice-cream cone I made for her.  It was mostly melted by the time she got to it.  She tipped it over and most of the ice-cream poured onto the table.
I gave her some bubble wrap to play with and left her.

Thursday, 9 May 2019


Thursday, May 9, 2019
Mom was sitting with Donna in the fish tank room.  I took mom away to toilet her, but she wasn't interested.  A volleyball game was starting so I let mom participate in that.  She was engaged and participated in the action. 
There was another activity involving flower arranging with carnations, but I thought it was best if mom not participate. 
I plied her with various tidbits, but she would have none of it.  I ate a boiled egg, some cheesy Ritz crackers, some black rice crackers, a toddler-sized yogurt, etc. because she wouldn't eat them.  I even tried to get her to drink out of a juice container, but she was uncooperative.
In the end, she only ate a rice cracker.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Tidying up mom's drawer

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Mom was sitting alone at a table when I arrived.  She was restless.  I took her to the washroom.
She was cooperative.  When I pulled her diaper off, it was full of poop.  She was relatively calm as I cleaned her.  She didn't interfere, but she wanted me to hurry.  It was pretty easy.
We went back to the dining room.  She only drank apple juice.  I gave her some of my veggies, but she just played with them.
Later, she drank my apple juice and half of Chris' apple juice.  She ate a few Cheesies. 
She was quite alert and talkative.
I had her fold clothes from her drawer.  She was happy to do it.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Mom has a bath

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Mom was sitting in the television room.  The others were taking part in a gardening activity.  The recreation aide told me that mom had just come back from a walk.  I noticed that mom's wheelchair was tipped back and the footrests had been taken off.  I think I noticed this yesterday as well.
The recreation aide put the footrests back on.
The bath lady came to take mom away for a bath.  I helped.  Poor mom.  She was stripped down and felt uncomfortable so I gave her a small towel to cover her privates.  I explained that mom probably felt uncomfortable because she was naked.  Mom was scared.  She said the water was too hot.  I told them to let her feel the water on her hands.  Then mom said the water was too cold.  I think the temperature of the water changes.  They put a lot of lather in her hair and it was dripping into her eyes so I wiped them.
After the bath, they dried her off and mom couldn't wait to get dressed.  She pulled up her pants before they put the diaper on.  The aides and mom were in a battle of wills.  I told them to stop.  Mom let go of her pants and I told the aides "now", but they looked at me blankly.  So, I had to try and get mom to cooperate again.  I held mom's hands and they were able to pull mom's pants down and put the diaper on.  Then, they blow-dried her hair.  I explained that the loud noise might scare her.  Man!  Don't these aides know anything?  They just want to use brute force.
Mom tried to trade the Chinese lady for her yogurt.  The aide saw this and gave mom a yogurt.  Mom ate a spoonful and then tried to eat the spoon.  I had to negotiate with her to get the spoon back.  I put it in the yogurt and she licked the yogurt off.
She ate a couple of Cheesies.  The Calpis didn't go so well.  She spent a lot of time trying to get the blue lid off.  I took it off as best as I could, but she wouldn't drink from the bottle.  I got a cup and poured the contents into it.
When I left, she looked sad.  I told her that I would come again tomorrow.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Mom was in distress

Monday, May 6, 2019
When I arrived, mom was not in her wheelchair.  She was sitting at a table by herself and she looked distressed.  I wonder if she had been scolded.
I started eating my dinner and then she started walking around.  She wanted to walk into the kitchen.  Finally, I was able to alter her course.  She sat down at a different table.  At one point she looked like she was in pain.  I was ready to call the nurse.  Then she calmed down. 
I brought my things to the other table and sat with her.  She drank some Calpis.  She drank some apple juice.  She ate a Cheesie and a piece of kamaboko.  I'm wondering about my choice of kamaboko.  It was kind of tough. 
She refused to get back in her wheelchair and she wouldn't let me wipe her mouth.

Mom eats yokan and Calpis

Sunday, May 5, 2019
I tried to toilet mom, but she would have none of it.  Charlene and I sat with mom at the dinner table.
I brought Calpis, yokan, and manju.  She drank the Calpis and ate a big chunk of yokan.  Charlene massaged mom's legs.  I felt happy.  It was a good day.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Mom steals a banana and a glass of apple juice

Friday, May 3rd, 2019
I arrived late.  Jacquie told me that mom had taken a banana from Edward and an apple juice as well.  She actually only ate one bite of the banana.  She drank all of the apple juice.
I had taken a couple of bites from my dinner when mom let me know that she had to go to the bathroom.  Luckily I had cleaned the toilet in her room before I had sat down to eat.
I took her to the toilet.  She was quite cooperative until she wasn't.  I removed her soiled diaper.  I put toilet paper in her hands and she wiped herself.  She insisted on folding the heavily soiled toilet paper in half and using it again and folding it again before she threw it in the garbage.  Then the aide was going to clean her bum.  Mom was indignant. I had to ask the aide to leave.  Mom had pulled up her pants before I finished cleaning her up.  I had to negotiate with her.  She complained that the toilet was dirty.  I flushed it.  She agreed to let me pull her pants down.  I cleaned her up as best as I could with her complaining the whole time.  I kept showing her the soiled cloths so she knew that I wasn't finished yet.  At last, it was done. 
When we got back, they were doing mom's favourite activity in the fish tank room.  Mom participated eagerly and at the end would not let go of her foam stick.  I continued to play with the remaining people, but I was getting tired.  Finally, Ming started to disperse the stragglers and mom let go of her foam stick.
After the balloon and foam stick activity, I tried to get mom to eat something. She drank some orange juice and some milk.  She even ate a spoonful of egg custard!  She fed herself and told me it was good.  Mom stuffed a piece of coconut bun in her mouth and put the rest in her pocket.  She ate a couple of Cheesies.  I felt happy.  I massaged her legs and she thanked me.  It was a good day.

Mom tries to eat a flower

Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
Jacquie sent me an e-mail to tell me that mom had taken a flower from the vase on the dining table and was trying to eat it.  The aides had a hard time wrestling it away from her. Mom was indignant.
Her exact words:

Moms staying as bouncy as ever but get bored sitting at table. She ate a flower today so had to get it out of her mouth. She sure gave staff dirty looks after that  She is a real character compared to others in her shape. Bet she was a real shit disturber when she was young.  

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Mom wasn't the only one who wasn't eating

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dinner table with Edward, Jacquie, and Donna.  Edward looked sad and had tears in his eyes.  He recovered quickly.
Mom had finished her apple juice but had touched nothing else. I gave her some bubble wrap to occupy her while I ate dinner. She took my apple juice and drank it.  After dinner, I took her aside and tried to ply her with food and drinks, but she would have none of it.
She became agitated.  She wanted to go somewhere.  I took her to the washroom.  She cooperated.  She was able to get up from the wheelchair with some difficulty.  She said her thighs were sore.  I was able to remove her pants and diaper and she produced what sounded like a large wet fart.  Her bum seemed quite clean.  Her diaper was soiled so I changed it.  She complained as I cleaned her up with towels.  I was able to put a new diaper on and get her back in the wheelchair. 
We sat together in the television room.  I sipped tea and mom played with bubble wrap.  I was able to get her to eat a couple of Cheesies.  She would not try the dessert.  I got some on her hand and she licked it.  She liked it, but still would not eat it.  I tried putting more on her thumb, but she just wiped it off on her bib.  She drank a bit of her milk, a bit of her orange juice and some of her Boost.
I sang the train song for her.  Keesha, keesha, po, po, po, po, shuppo, shuppo, shuppo, po... She liked it.  She enjoyed looking outside and pointing at things.
She thanked me for massaging her legs.  Her knees, calves and feet were very cold.
A couple of other residents were not eating today.