Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Mom is dopey

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mom was very dopey.  Chris remarked on this when he arrived after 6:00 p.m. for dinner.
Mom was dressed warmly today.  I was glad to see that she was wearing her gray sweat pants.
I'll have to weed out clothes from her closet.
Even though her head was bent forward and her eyes were closed, I was able to feed her.  I fed her for an hour and a half.  She eats so slowly.  She drank her beverages and ate her food.
I talked to Larry and asked why mom wasn't wearing her new red rompers.  He said that they would put them on tonight when her soft blue rompers are in the wash.  I asked him to put an undershirt on mom since the fabric seemed stiff.
I pulled mom back in the wheelchair when we were leaving.  Her left leg felt cold, but her right leg was warm.  There was a pillow placed between her legs.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Foam stick and balloon activity

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mom was kind of dopey.  I was able to feed her.  She ate very little, but she did drink her beverages.  Her head was bent forward so it was hard to get her drink.  I had to tip her head back a bit.
She was wearing her capris.  I should get rid of them.  I guess they are easy to dress her in.
There was a foam stick and balloon activity going on.
When she opened her eyes, I wheeled over and she participated a bit.  She was furious when someone hit the balloon when she thought it was her turn.  Eventually, she fell asleep.
She ate a bit more.  I gave her a little bit of azuki bean from a manju that Alexandra gave me.
Mom was very tired. 
I think she had a poopy diaper.
She had physio today.  Ming was asking about the treatment.

Monday, 28 October 2019

Mom is wearing her new anti-strip jumpsuit

Monday, October 28, 2019
Mom looked okay.  She was wearing her new blue anti-strip jumpsuit.  She was frustrated because she couldn't touch her privates.  She ate some food, but then she became very tired.  I gave her some of my peas and carrots.  She likes to poke her mashed potatoes and taste it with her finger.  She seems disappointed.  I wonder what she is expecting.  Ice cream?
At 5:30, I moved her to the fish tank room.  She ate some more food and some banana and drank her Boost and milk.  She drank apple juice too.  Around 6:30 she fell asleep.
I massaged her legs and adjusted her seat.  Today she had a pillow between her legs.
She played with her bubble wrap a bit.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Mom's Birthday

Sunday, October 27, 2019
Today is mom's birthday.  She received two cards: one from Yuki from Tonarigumi (I think) and one from St. Michael's.  The nurse and aides were happy with mom's anti-strip suit and want me to purchase another for daytime.  Poor mom.
I cleaned her hands and put rolled up bibs between her legs.
She ate some of her dinner and most of her beverages.
I took her to the fish tank room at 5:30.  I couldn't believe that someone had taken my half-drunk coffee and mom's vanilla pudding.  They leave abandoned food and dishes all day and I leave mine for a few seconds and it is gone!
Luckily the other foods I carted over were untouched.
Mom was trying to put her left hand down her pants so I had to distract her.  Finally, I rigged some bibs around her left arm and tied a bib to her left arm.
She was quite dopey, but I was able to get her to eat some banana, more dinner, a Cheeto and more beverages.
She played with the bubble wrap briefly. 
I moved her to the nurses' station before I left.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Mom is in bed

Saturday, October 26, 2019
Mom was in bed when I arrived.  The nurse said that mom's carrier was in the wash so they couldn't take her out of the bed.  I hope mom gets out for dinner.
Because mom was kind of dopey, I decided to wash her hands and cut her nails.  There was blood and poop.  I know where they keep the extra clippers now.  I accidentally cut one of mom's fingers the ring finger on her right hand.  There was blood.  I felt so bad.  Mom seemed okay.
I was able to feed mom all of her mushroom soup, most of her fortified Boost, Boost, and apple juice and some of her milk.  She ate a few small pieces of cheese, cracker, green beans and carrots.
She laughed a bit. 
I could hear her tummy rumbling.
I put the white gloves on mom, but she took them off.  I put them on again and she took them off.
I let her hold the hedgehog.  She was so cute. 
She tried to put her left hand under the covers, but I tried to discourage her.
I checked her legs.  They were lifted and there was no pillow between her knees.  I put a pillow between her knees.
The nurse said that there was more blood this morning and that she had had a bowel movement.
Mom seemed fine.
Mom's wheelchair pillow was in the washroom.  The same aide that showed me where the nail clippers were,  complained about the pee-soaked pillow in the bathroom.  It was removed.
Mom's sandwich pieces and apple juice arrived, but mom was dozing off.
Mom seemed sad when I left.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Mom is bleeding from her bum

Friday, October 25, 2019
Charlene phoned me from St. Michael's at 7:00 to let me know that mom had been put to bed.  She had been bleeding from her bum.  The doctor phoned me a few minutes later.  She said that it might be hemorrhoids.  Mom's vital signs were good.  They are going to check again in half an hour.  Mom seems restful.  Maybe they gave her a sedative.
Poor Charlene.  Something always happens when she is there.
She said that mom's pillow smelt strongly of pee.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Mom has something in her mouth

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mom was mostly cooperative.  She ate very little.
After dinner, I put a towel between her knees.
She ate all of her chocolate pudding.
She drank some of her beverages.
It looked like something was in her mouth, but I couldn't get it.
She kept dozing off.
The nurse wrote in the book to make sure mom gets dinner tomorrow.
I was worried that they would forget her.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mom was sitting in the fish tank room by the television.
I gave her some prune juice and Cheetos.  She ate and drank very little.
I massaged her legs.
The physiotherapist, Gary, was running overtime.
He was working with Norman.
We got a care aide to get a lifter for mom and they lifted mom into the bed so that he could work on her.
Mom complained most of the time.  Gary had to pay attention to mom so that he knew if the pain was too much.  He is trying to stretch her hip abductors so that her legs are not stuck together.  Mom was really upset, but she was okay after the ordeal.  She had a good appetite.
Unfortunately, dinner was almost over by the time we finished with Gary.  I didn't even have a dinner.  The new telephone system is not working properly.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Mom's baby toe nail is ripped off

Monday, October 21, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table when I arrived.  Edward was enjoyed his fried fish.  No sign of Jackie or Donna.  Mom ate a little of her dinner.  She drank some of her beverages.  Dessert was ice cream.  She had a little of that.
After dinner, I took her to the fish tank room.  She was dozing off.
I tipped her chair back.  I cut her toenails.  The baby toe on her left foot was ripped off.  It probably happened long ago.  It looked like it was probably infected and getting better.  It was black.  With the help of one of the aides, I cut her toenail off.  This is the first time that anyone offered me a nail clipper.  I asked if mom was on the list to see the podiatrist.  She is now. 
Mom was digging last night.  They put the onesie on her the right way.  They are going to try the onesie backwards. 
I massaged mom's legs.
I put a cushion between mom's legs.
I poured the ice cream into mom's Boost
Mom ate a few Cheetos and drank a bit of the ice cream concoction.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

White gloves

Sunday, October 20, 2019
I got a call at 8:40 a.m. telling me that mom had been eating poop again, but they had managed to get most of it.  I bought 2 anti-strip jumpsuits for mom.  I brought the new onesie that I bought at Walmart.
Mom was sitting at the dining table with Donna when I arrived.  Jackie joined later and Edward came at the end of the meal.  He announced that he had taken a nap and woken up at the right time.
Mom was mostly cooperative.  I put a pair of white gloves on her.  At first she was unsure of how to put them on, but eventually, I got her fingers in the right places.  She seemed to like them.
She ate about 1/3 of her lunch.  She drank about half of her soup.  She drank most of her Boost.
After lunch, I tipped her back in her seat and put a rolled-up towel between her legs.
I fed mom her pureed peach dessert.  She drank and ate very little.  I gave her some white cheddar cheese and Cheetos.
She was kind of drowsy.
At one point she folded her gloved hands in front of her and dozed.  She was so cute so I wanted to take a photo, but by the time I got my tablet turned on, she was awake.
I left her milk, apple juice and some prune juice.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Mom ate poop

Saturday, October 19, 2019
I got a call at 6:00 a.m. this morning.  It was not an emergency.  In fact,  I ignored it thinking it was an election call.  The nurse left a message that mom was eating poop.  I called back at 8:00 am and was told that mom had been eating poop.  I sent an e-mail to Charlene and she went to check.
She spent 45 minutes trying to get the poop out of mom's mouth with a toothbrush.  She said most of it was stuck to the room of her mouth.  Poor mom.  Charlene made a heroic effort.
Turns out eating poop is very rare.

On Friday when Charlene went to visit mom, she said that mom was already put to sleep and put on her side because she has a sore on her bum.

Today, they are going to mostly sedate mom.  Poor mom.

I went to have dinner with mom.  Edward and Donna were there, but not Jackie.  Mom was better than what I was expecting.  She was alert.  She mostly cooperated with dinner.  She was talkative.  Later, we moved to the fish tank room.  She drank her beverages, ate some banana and some jello.  Mark chatted with us a bit about his dad.
I played with the balloon.  She didn't throw very far, but she laughed and enjoyed the activity.
Mom continued to drink her beverages and ate some cheetos, jello and banana.
She played with the bubble wrap a bit.
She seemed sad when I left.  She said something as I went out the door, but I couldn't understand.

I got mom a onesie from Walmart.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Mom is mostly engaged and happy

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table when I arrived.  She was wearing capris and a wool cardigan.  She was in a good mood.  She ate a little.  She drank a little.  She was mostly cooperative.
Donna ate very little.  Jackie and Edward were there.
I took mom to the fish tank room.  I massaged her legs and put two towels between her knees.  Maybe the physiotherapy is working.  Her legs were cold so later I put the lap blanket on her legs, but she took it off and started to fold it.  I put it back again.
She ate all of her apple sauce and a little more of her dinner.   She ate some cheetos and drank some milk. 
I didn't clip her toenails.  She is frightened when I touch her legs.
The nurse said mom weighed 35 kilos.  Hurray!  She also said that mom is on the list to see the dentist in November.
I tipped her back in her chair a bit.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019


Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Mom had her physiotherapy appointment today.  She had had a bath and she was wearing her flannel nightgown.  She seemed to be in a good mood.  She ate a little.
I took her to the fish tank room and she ate a bit more.
I tossed a red balloon back and forth with her.  She laughed a little.
I tried feeding her again.
She took a large piece of banana and took several bites from it.
I gave her some bubble wrap.  I tried to take it back from her before I left, but she refused to give it up.  She even yelled "bakayaro"!  She was quite angry.
I forgot to cut her toenails.
I have to get a triangular pillow for her knees.
Donna was in bed.  She was awake.  She was looking at her jello, but did not eat it.
The nurse told me mom had sores on her bum and that they are taking care of it.
Poor mom.
Took the same bus as Sabra.  She said that her foot felt like something was pulling.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Thanksgiving Monday

Monday, October 14, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table when I arrived.  I adjusted her wheelchair and checked her legs.  She ate a little.  At some point, she removed the rolled-up bib that I had placed between her legs and I had to put it back.  I didn't see Donna today, but it looked like she was back on normal food.
Edward was fine.  He ate by himself with no help.  Jackie ate very little.
A tall white man complained to Jackie about Angela.  He complained about the little British guy too.
At 5:30 I took mom to the fish tank room.  I continued to try and feed her.  I gave her a break and cut and filed her fingernails.  One nail is cracked.
She drank some of her beverages and ate a few bites.  When she became bored again, I took her by the fish tank.  I threw the red balloon to her.  She didn't react immediately, but soon she was throwing it back and forth.  She laughed once.  She apologized when she thought she didn't throw the ballon far enough or straight enough.
When I took her back to our table, she drank some milk and ate her vanilla pudding.  She ate a few pieces of banana.
I massaged her legs a bit.  It was easy to create a gap between her knees.
I let her play with some bubble wrap.
I tipped her chair back when I was leaving.
I'll try and do her toenails this week or next.
Took the bus with Sabra.  She said that the aides are responsible for 8 people.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Mom takes the arm off her chair

Sunday, October 13, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table by herself when I arrived at 11:20 a.m.  I took her to her room and cleaned her nails.  I trimmed her bangs. She was not so cooperative today.    I took a bib and rolled it up and put it between her knees.
She ate very little for lunch.  Donna was in bed.  Edward seemed to enjoy his lunch today.  Jackie was there for lunch.  She was dressed to go out.
At 12:30, I took mom to the fish tank room. She ate very little.  I gave her about a teaspoon of rice and natto.  She was nodding off a bit.  I massaged her legs. 
Sometimes she drank by herself.  Other times, I had to help her. 
At one point she lifted her wheelchair arm up.  I took it from her and put it back.  She had probably turned the screw and then lifted the arm.
I left her with her wheelchair tilted back.

Saturday, 12 October 2019


Saturday, October 12, 2019
Mom had physiotherapy today at 1:30p.m.  Charlene met with the physiotherapist as I had a prior engagement at the Burnaby Art Gallery. 
Mom was sitting up and seemed uncomfortable so I raised the back of her wheelchair and got her to sit back.  This is really hard because she resists.  I have to push her forwards and backward until she settles in.  Mom ate very little.  She likes her peas.  She ate some of my peas.
After dinner, I took her to the fish tank room.  I fed her all of her peach puree.  She drank all of her milk and Boost.  She ate a few tamagoboro and I left her a peanut butter wafer cookie.
Mom was not too interested in the bubble wrap.
We passed a red balloon back and forth.  Mom liked that.  She even laughed a bit.
I just talked to Charlene.  She said mom screamed a lot.  Poor mom.  In the end, mom put her hand down her pants and pulled out a poop and tried to eat it.  Charlene was panicked.  Charlene was wondering if mom could have a sedative before her treatment. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Worried about mom

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Mom was being fed by Remy when I arrived.  Mom looked so pained.  I felt awful.  Remy got an aide to help and we pulled her up in the wheelchair.  After that, she looked better or so I told myself.  The aide pulled mom up by her pants because we didn't want to touch her legs.  I would have.  Poor mom.  I cried.  Tears were running.  I felt so bad for mom.  I wonder if I am doing the right thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be interfering.  Maybe I am just prolonging her agony.
Remy offered to give mom pain medication, but then she wouldn't be able to eat.
Mom ate a bit.
Donna was really her enjoying her tapioca pudding.  Jackie gave Donna her tapioca pudding as well.  I hope Donna will be okay.  Donna is not supposed to have dairy products.
Francesco flagged me down and asked me to make sure they kept his dinner for later.  I assured him that I would take care of it.
After dinner, I took her to the fish tank room and our usual place.  I tipped the wheelchair back to raise her legs and touched them, which she did not appreciate.  I put a towel between her knees. 
She ate all of my rice pudding and some banana.
The aide that is looking after the 104-year-old woman came by to let us know that her charge was going to Kiwanis in New Westminster.  I wonder if Kiwanis is any better than St. Michael's?  I wonder how I move mom to St. Michael's.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Donna is back

Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Mom was being fed by one of the aides when I arrived.  She ate about 1/4 of her food.  She ate a bean off my plate.  She drank her beverages.  She didn't drink all of her milk and her medication.  I hope she will be okay with her bath tonight.
She enjoyed the foam stick and balloon activity.  She was joking with Frank, the truck driver.  She hit his foam stick with her foam stick. 
I went to mom's room to check up on things.  Donna was back.  I asked Donna if she was cold.  I put a quilt around her shoulders.  She said she felt 200 times better.  I felt good.
Shanta's socks were in mom's drawer so I returned them to Shanta's room. 
I spelled Ming for a bit.  I'm not very good with the balloon, but the residents appreciate it.
Mom gave up her stick, but she wanted to go back to the action.  I took her back where some of the residents were waiting to be taken away.  One woman (Florence?) was singing.  Mom did not seem to be too impressed.  She let me take her back to our regular table.  I massaged her legs very lightly.  I tipped her back in her wheelchair.  I put her legs up slightly and tipped her back up slightly.  She drank some apple juice and ate some banana.

Monday, 7 October 2019


Monday, October 7, 2019
Mom was sitting at the dining table with Edward when I arrived.  Jackie soon joined us.
Edward was sleeping.  The aide said that maybe he had his bath today.  What the hell does that mean?  Is having a bath so strenuous?  Do they have to drug him?
In the end, an aide got him to eat some of his hamburger and his dessert.
Mom ate most of her potato and leek soup.  She ate some of her pureed food - maybe a 1/3.  She actually ate quite well.  She had a few teaspoons of her pureed pear.  She drank all of her apple juice.
The physiotherapist came around 1:00.  She wanted to get access to mom's file.  Information was not forthcoming.  She did do an assessment and said that they may be able to stretch out mom's legs.  She said that it would good to tip mom back so that her legs could drain back.  Also, try to create a gap between mom's legs with a towel. 
The physiotherapy did cause mom pain.  She complained a lot.  I hope it's worth it. 
After the assessment, I gave mom the Boost and milk she had not finished at lunch.  She drank it all. 
She ate about 1/8 of an egg sandwich.  She ate 2 small pieces of apple and some Cheetos.  She then sloshed her apple juice on the floor.  I had to get the janitor for a mop-up. 

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Mom likes bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Mom was sitting with Edward at the dining table when I arrived.  Jackie arrived shortly after.
Mom wanted to take Edward's apple juice, but I thwarted her efforts.  She was mad.  She was still angry when I gave her her own juice.  She drank some but said it stank. 
She ate very little of her meal.  At one point, she got her spoon and fed herself one mouthful and that was it.  She was interested in the Jello but wanted to eat it with her fingers.  Jackie gave me her bread because noticed that mom was eyeing Edward's.  She ate a little.
The big guy sitting beside Lorne said that Lorne had taken his dessert.  Another guy asked me for a straw.  I was waiting to ask one of the aides, but they just ignored me.  I saw Robyn come out from the kitchen and told him what needed to be done.
I took my stuff to the fish tank room.  I almost got my spot taken by Angela's son and grandson, but I claimed it. 
I broke the bread into small pieces and put some of the leftover olive oil and balsamic vinegar from my salad on it and mom liked it.  She ate a few pieces.  I also put some of the pureed ham and peas on the bread and she ate that too.  She drank most of her Boost and milk and all of her juice.
I gave her Cheetos and a manju.  She liked that.
I gave her some bubble wrap to play with.  I went over her photo album with her.  At first she was angry and confused, but eventually she came around.
I told Mark about the youtube video that I saw of the women who had a stroke: Jill Boite Taylor.  And her book:  My Stroke of Insight.

Saturday, 5 October 2019


Saturday, October 5, 2019
Mom was being fed by a new aide when I arrived.  She ate a bit and then was uncooperative.  Edward ate well.  Jackie arrived late.  No Donna.  She is in the hospital again.
Mom ate very little.  She liked the ice cream.  She drank most of her Boost.
She ate a small piece of green bean.
She ate some tamago boro. 
She did bubble wrap.  I tried to get her to do some sword fighting with the foam stick, but she said she had a tummy ache.
She wants to dip her fingers in her beverages sometimes.  Sometimes she tastes, sometimes she likes to rub on something.  Maybe she thinks she is making sushi.
I asked about mom's weight, but I think I have to wait until next Tuesday.  I wonder if it has gone down again.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Mom is tired.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Mom was tired and grouchy.  She didn't eat much.  She ate a couple of pieces of garlic toast.
She drank all of her apple juice.
After dinner, I took her to the fish tank room.  She ate very little.
She drank all of my apple juice, her Boost and milk.  She ate some clementine sections.  She stuffed the pieces into her mouth so I had to move them away from her.  She chewed and chewed, but she did not swallow the membranes.  I hope she spits it out later.
She ate some Cheetos.  She seemed grouchy.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Foam stick and balloon activity

Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Mom ate very little dinner.  Jackie offered her curry and mom ate some of that.  She ate a little bit of her pureed strawberry shortcake and some of my strawberry shortcake.  She drank a couple of cups of apple juice and some milk.
She played hit the balloon with a foam stick.  I tidied up her nightstand and closet.  I removed some empty hangers.  I wiped down her nightstand and cleaned her stacking toy.  It was sticky and dirty.
I sat with Michael for a while and chatted.
After the activity, I got mom, Irma and Donna to play catch with the balloon.
Mom drank her leftover Boost from dinner and ate some Cheetos.
I contacted the Physiotherapy company.