Saturday, 21 January 2017

Snakes and Ladders

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Dinner was ready when I arrived.  The whole gang was there.  Jacquie, Donna, Edward and mom.  Ailene is sitting at another table now.  She seems happier there.
We had herbed, baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and Brussels sprouts.  Dessert was bread pudding.  Yum.  Mom had already drank her drinks except for her tea.  I added milk for her.
After dinner we went back to the room.  Donna went to watch television with Michael.  Mom hung around with me.  I went through her drawers, put her clean laundry back, etc.  There was only one pair of pink underpants in the hamper.  I gave mom some bubble wrap to pop while I did the tidying up.
We went through mom's photo book.  She always enjoys this.  We also did a little reading from her Japanese reader.  She has a little trouble.  I think it is a grade one reader.
Then we went to find the others so we could play Snakes and Ladders.  Anna was sitting near the nurse's station so she joined us.  We found Shanta in the fish tank room.  I went to get Donna and Michael, but only Donna came.  Michael wanted to watch Titanic.
So only the girls played Snakes and Ladders for the first time.  First I used two dice, but only Shanta could add the numbers so I decided to use one die.  I wasn't sure they would like the game, but after the first game, they got the hang of it.  Basically they just roll the die and then I move the markers.  We played 3 games.  Anna won two and mom won one.  Mom and Anna were laughing because mom went up a big ladder.
Mom's plant was still a little moist so I didn't water it.  I hope it holds until Tuesday.

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