Friday, 14 July 2017


Friday, July 14, 2017
Mom was a bit miffed because her dinner had not arrived yet.
I waited impatiently for my dinner and then went to go and get it.
Mom said she had to go to the washroom.
I took her and she had a pee, but then she seemed to be concerned about poo.  She was sticking her finger in her bum.  She said something was stuck there.  I pushed the help button, but a care aide said to tell the nurse.  She wouldn't even check mom's bum because mom wasn't her patient.  I cleaned mom's bum.  She was wearing a diaper.
I washed mom's hands thoroughly and went back to the dining room because I hadn't finished my dinner.  Donna went to go to the washroom.  I seated mom at the balloon game.  She was happy.
Donna was taking forever in the washroom as usual.  I can only imagine what is happening.
The girls were having a good time batting the balloon with their foam sticks.
Poor Bill was telling me that someone had stolen his dinner, but I think he meant that he didn't like his food.  He really wanted to join the group for the balloon game.  I suggested the care aides give him his own balloon.  He was having fun for a while and then he was tired.  Or at least that's what I told the care aide.  What is it with these people?  Am I the only one who understands what these patients want?
After the balloon game, I took Shanta back to her son Allan.  Then I took mom and Donna to play with a balloon.  Mom was wary and I wondered if she had to go to the washroom, but she was worried about straying from Donna.  I had to get Donna to go to the lobby first.  Once they were settled they could start playing with the balloon.  Donna got tired, but mom didn't understand and kept hitting the ballon to her.  Soon, mom was tired too so I took them back to the fish tank room to wait for hot cocoa.  I don't understand why they don't give them a cool drink on a hot day.
I told the nurse that mom was sticking her finger in her butt and saying something was stuck there.  I said she was probably constipated.  The nurse says mom often holds her tummy.

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