Monday, 7 August 2017

Singing and dancing cat.

Monday, August 7, 2017
Fried chicken, oven fried potatoes, broccoli.  Mom's chicken was chopped up.  She didn't have a dessert.  I gave her a Yakult yogurt drink and some of my fried rice.  Edward ate most of his chicken. Jacquie ate with her boyfriend.
Charlene donated a singing and dancing cat.  I showed it off to a few tables.  Everyone enjoyed it.  I dropped it off at the nurses' station.
I took mom to the washroom and changed her diaper.
Her hair looks really greasy.  Her bath day is Tuesday.
We played cards.  Anna had a fit and threw her cards across the table.  She and Michael were teasing each other and then Donna joined in.  We just laid Anna's cards out and played them while she was gone.  She usually comes back and tells us that she went to the washroom.
After cards we sat and drank water pretending it was white wine.
Then, we got served hot cocoa and cheese sandwiches.
I put mom's walkman on and I took mom out for a little walk around the grounds.  Then I took her to the toilet and helped her brush her teeth.  I gave her a book to read when I left.
I got a ride from Alan.

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