Saturday, 7 October 2017


Saturday, October 7, 2017
Mom had already eaten her beef stew when I arrived at 5:10 p.m.  I cut up her giant dumpling for her.
Then I went to her room, watered her plants, sorted her laundry, took out some summer clothes from the closet to bring home, etc.  I got myself a tea and sat in Jacquie's spot because she had already left the table.  I could see that mom had to go to the washroom, so I immediately took her there.
She just did a pee and her diaper looked relatively clean.  I noticed her hair looked pretty clean too.
I guess they must have given everyone an extra wash for Thanksgiving.
I put the headset on mom and took her for a little walk.  We saw a squirrel run up a tree, a crow and some dogs in the park from the facility grounds.
Anna was dressed up and ready to go out for dinner with her family.  She wanted to tell me her daughter was picking her up, but she couldn't remember her name and neither could I.
We played card bingo.  I recruited Joe to take Anna's place. Some of the other guys in wheelchairs circled out table.  One guy was chatting with mom, but she said he was too loud. George tried to take Michael's television guide so I had to give George a different section of the paper.  I asked the British guy if he wanted to join us, but he said he was content to watch.
We had hot cocoa and egg sandwiches.  Michael and the Croatian lady joined us. The sugar cookie was really good too.  Mom said she didn't want to eat anything so I ate her sandwich and 3/4 of her cookie.  Eventually she drank her hot cocoa and her ate 1/4 of her cookie.  I should probably have waited longer before I devoured her food.
Aki walked by and Michael was all excited.  She's one of the staff.  All the men love her.
The staff were happy that I was there to keep the residents rounded up and occupied.  One staff mentioned that mom was walking around again.
Alan mentioned that Aki was quitting her job to move to the states where the hours and pay was better.

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