Sunday, 26 November 2017


Sunday, November 26, 2017
Mom and Donna were already seated at the table when arrived.  Mom mentioned something about going to the bathroom.  We barely made it.  She soiled her diaper slightly, but mostly we were successful.  I changed mom's diaper and we went back for dinner.  We had macaroni and beef casserole, mixed veggies and banana cream pie for dessert.  Edward liked the macaroni and beef casserole.  Jacquie didn't show up.
After dinner mom wheeled Donna to the nurses' station.  I took mom back to the room for another pee and then I put the headset on her and we went for a walk.  After a few minutes she said she was tired so we just sat and she sang along to her music.  I brushed mom's teeth and washed her face.  I put some Vaseline on her face because it was dry. 
Michael and Joe were watching football so they didn't want to play cards.  It was just the ladies: mom, Donna, Shanta and me.  They missed Michael. 
After cards, mom pushed Donna back to the room.  Donna immediately went to the toilet, but the care aide made her wait.  Mom wanted to walk me out.  I made her wait at the nurses' station because I wanted to drop something off for Jacquie.  When I was walking back I noticed mom had wandered off to the fish tank room.  She was anxious.  She was lost.  I retrieved her and took her back to the room.  This time she said good-bye and went directly to her bed.

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