Sunday, 14 January 2018

Mom's nails are getting long

Sunday, January 14, 2018
When I arrived around 4:00 p.m., mom and Donna were sitting at the nurses' station with Anka, Joe and another man (I forgot his name).  I took mom away so I could toilet her.  I changed her diaper.  She had a small bowel movement.  She tries to touch stuff with poop on it like her diaper and toilet paper.  Yikes!  Her hair wasn't matted.  She had a stain on the front of her top.  There were a lot of clothes in her laundry basket, but I don't know if they were dirty.  I just put them in the communal hamper.  I read her the Country Mouse and the City Mouse and she tried to read along.  We looked at her photo book.  The two oranges that were leftover were still there so I told her to eat one.  She peeled it and then seemed confused so I told her to eat it. I gave her a bean cake, but she said she didn't want it.  Then it was time to go for dinner.
I talked to Michael briefly.  I told him that I had a country 2-step dance lesson and couldn't play card bingo but that for sure I would play Wednesday.  I think I may even have time on Tuesday.  I didn't think about Tuesday before because I forgot about the quarantine.
Donna was already seated.  Edward came by shortly after.  I helped serve them their beverages.  I told them about what I was doing the last few days.  I helped mom, Donna and Edward with their bibs.  Edward was very grateful. 
We had roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, 4 kinds of veggies and Boston Cream pie for dessert.  Yum! Mom mushed up her food and ate maybe half.  At first she didn't know what to do, but I put some food on a fork and fed it to her.  Mom ate her two orange sections although Donna scolded her for eating her orange before finishing dinner.  I gave mom a couple of spoonfuls of the Boston Cream pie even though she only ate half of her dinner.
After dinner mom wheeled Donna to the nurses' station and I took mom back to the room to toilet her, brush her teeth, wipe her face, etc.  I took mom back to the nurses' station to sit with Donna.
I'll have to cut mom's nails next time.

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