Sunday, 15 April 2018


Sunday, April 15, 2018
Donna was sitting at the table, but mom wasn't there.  I found her in the hallway.  The aide was taking Anka and my mom to the dining room.  She told me that mom had already been toileted.  Hurray!
I took mom to the dining room.  The chairs were not set up yet.  Yesterday, mom was sitting beside Jacquie so I thought it was the same way for dinner.  Edward told me that we had to move by pushing the chair.  After the kerfuffle I apologized to Edward.  Mom was served first.  She ate the first mouthful by herself, but she didn't seem to like her food.  I gave her some of mine and alternated with her food.  She liked the dessert.  There were no oranges, so we got bananas.  Mom and I shared half a banana each. 
After dinner I took Donna to sit in the fish tank room.  There was supposed to be a bowling activity at 6:00, but it didn't start until 6:15. 
I toilet mom, brushed her hair, brushed her teeth, washed her face etc.  We shared a Mandarin orange together before I brushed mom's teeth. Both mom's and Donna's mums are doing poorly, but hanging in there.
I took mom for a walk and we sang.  Meanwhile Donna was bored and asked to be taken back to her room.  Once the activity was finally on its way and mom had had her turn, I went back to the room to get my things.  I asked Donna if she wanted to come with me.  She did and she ended up doing the bowling activity too.  Joe also participated.  Mom was reluctant.  I think if she had the ball in her hand, she may have been able to participate better.  There was a ramp device that was used to roll the ball off of.

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