Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Resident Care Conference

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
I feel like there is a conspiracy to kill off my mom.  Mom is not getting any meds.  Apparently, her behaviour has improved.  But I feel also that her appetite has improved.  Mom now weighs only 34.3 kilos.  The dietitian said that the nurses said that mom was not drinking her Boost and so will not receive any.  I said that mom would probably drink some if it were left out for her.  The compromise is that I can ask for some from the nurses' station.  The dietitian said there was little difference in calories or nutrients between apple juice and Boost.
The dietitian asked me for any suggestions, but I don't think she meant to implement anything.  I said that I fed mom Cheese puffs and these made her thirsty so she drank more.
Mom ate Cheese puffs at lunch.  She drank her apple juice.  Jackie gave mom her cranberry juice.  Mom drank some Boost. 
Mom had a bath.  It went relatively smoothly.  She only cried out once or twice.  The aide placed a towel on her private parts.  Mom complained through most of her ordeal.
Tai-san came for a visit around 2:00 p.m.  We had coffee at 2:30.  Mom ate some cheese and crackers, Cheese puffs, some juice, a bit of coconut bun. 
There was an activity where people were throwing bean bags, but mom was anxious and refused to throw the bean bag.
I put the headset on mom and she seemed to enjoy it.
At dinner, mom was hungry.  She tried to eat a creamo cup.  I had to take it from her.
She drank her beverages.  She was interested in the banana, but ended up only playing with it so I ate it.  I had to leave at 5:20 so I don't know if she ate her meal.

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