Saturday, 4 March 2017

toothpaste in her hair

Saturday, March 4, 2017
My bus didn't come.  It was really cold.  One lady said she was waiting 25 minutes so I must have been waiting 20 minutes at least.  I missed my connection so I had to walk 15-20 minutes and was late for dinner.  I think they just scrounged up whatever they had and gave it to me.
Teriyaki chicken drumsticks, rice and mixed veggies.  They ran out of lemon cake so I got red Jello.  I shared mom's lemon cake and I shared my Jello which she dropped on the floor.  She was fixated on it so I had to clean it up.
There wasn't any laundry.  Mom was wearing the same outfit as the one she changed into yesterday.  I wonder where she put her dirty socks.
She had put orange peels in the laundry hamper.
There was a personal safety device on her dresser/nightstand.  Donna showed me hers.  They have no idea how to use it or what it is even.
I got mom to comb her hair.  She forgot she had combed it.  I combed it for her again and discovered toothpaste in her hair.  I know she gets confused.  She probably thought it was a brush so she would use it to brush her hair.  I told the nurse, but they didn't think anything of it.
Barbara always gets confused about who I am.  She always thinks I'm mom's mom.
I rounded up the gang for card bingo.  Shanta wasn't there so we just started without her.  Her son wheeled her in after we had played for half and hour already.  Her son said that Shanta was thankful that I let her join in.  I assured him it was a pleasure.  I don't think Shanta had her teeth in today.  She's obviously very ill with some kind of breathing difficulties.  She's in a wheelchair and she can only use one hand.  She is still feisty.  She really likes to be part of the gang.

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