Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Where's my dinner?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mom had already drank all her milk, apple juice and creams. She even tried to drink Edward's cream, but Jacquie told her it was Edward's. Edward wasn't at the table. Mom was agitated because Donna and Jacquie were served first.  At first she was worried they had forgotten her, then she was indignant that she should be served last.  She complained that she had been given too much food and couldn't possibly eat everything.  Mom ate most of her food.  She became quiet so I asked her if she had to go to the washroom.  I took her to the washroom and then we came back to finish our meal.

Jacquie said that when mom was served first she would offer her food to the others sitting at the table.  She wouldn't eat until everyone else was served.  Poor mom.

After dinner we came back to the room and I put mom's Walkman on her.  I tidied her drawers.  I found a pair of underpants wrapped in a napkin in her closet.  There was a banana peel in her laundry bin and another wrapped in a napkin in her drawer.  There was a lot of laundry.

There weren't too many at card bingo today.  Mom and Donna didn't win.  Neither did Shanta and Michael.  Anna won twice.

After bingo we went back to the room.  Mom had to use the toilet again.  I noticed that her pants were quite tight. I got her to change her pants and underpants.

I took Donna and Mom to sit in the fish tank room.  Oddly I didn't see the snack trolley.

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