Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Finger nail brush

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Mom was seated at the dining room table and had already been served.  Larry was trying to feed her, but she would have none of it.  Jacquie was eating at another table.  Edward had already been served.  Donna and I were waiting impatiently for our meals.  I put the spoon in mom's hand, but she just played with her food.  Eventually she let me feed her.  I was surprised, but happy.
Alan told me he had a plan to bring in someone from the Buddhist temple to visit with mom.  He asked me to speak with him.  I didn't say anything.
After dinner, I took mom and Donna back to the room.
I toilet mom.  She had poop stains on her diaper so I changed it.  I trimmed her bangs.  I gave her some Boost to drink and she drank it all.  She had what looked to be poop in her nails.  It looked like someone had already tried to clean it.  I soaked mom's nails in warm soapy water in a paper cup.  I used the soft plastic brush that Charlene had given mom.  It worked more or less.
I asked Zorka to join us for card bingo, but she said she was too tired.
Michael, mom, Donna, me and Chris played.  I forgot to order a dinner for him last Wednesday, but they managed to scrape something together for him.
Mom was pretty on task today.  She flipped over most of her cards with cueing.
After cards we took mom back to the room.  We left Donna with Zorka.
I got mom to eat some banana and a few sips of apple juice.  I brushed mom's teeth.
I asked Chris to talk to Alan, but Chris didn't want to talk to him either.
He said girls hit on him all the time and touch his arms and stomach.

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