Saturday, 14 July 2018

Mom is cranky

Saturday, July 14, 2018
Mom was sitting at the dining room table by herself when I arrived.  I took her to her room to toilet her, but I met the aide and she told me that she had already toileted mom.  Mom had done a poop.
I took mom back to the dining room.  Donna and Edward were seated and Jacquie arrived a little later.
It was Edward's birthday on Friday, July 13th.  His family had brought a cake to share with everyone after lunch.  Edward turned 93.
Mom fell asleep at the dining table.  I let her sleep for about five minutes and then I woke her up.  She kept saying she didn't like the food.  Mom fed herself about a third of her food.  I gave her some of my pork. 
After dinner, I took the Boost, milk, egg custard and banana back to the room.  I took Donna to sit in front of the fish tank.  Mom was drinking her apple juice when I got back.  I took mom and the apple juice back to the room.  She finished drinking the apple juice.  I got her to drink some of her milk.
I toileted her and washed her face and hands.
Rong (the Chinese lady) was already sitting with Michael when we arrived.  I got Donna and mom seated and we started to play.  Alan brought Shanta to join us. Mom was cranky and didn't really participate in the card game.  After the card game she didn't want to get up from her chair.
After the game, I took mom back to the room and gave her the Boost to drink and the egg custard.  I went to fetch Donna.  She is on a diet and is not supposed to have hot cocoa.  Mom ate most of the egg custard and most of the Boost.
I asked mom if her throat hurt or her teeth hurt.  I don't know if she understands.  She grimaces when she swallows.
I took mom and the Boost and sat her with the other Chinese lady by the nurses station.

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