Saturday, 10 December 2016

Missing cards

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016
Shanta called me over and gave me an orange when I arrived.
A nurse flagged me down.  Mom had told the nurse she was sick.  They had checked mom's blood pressure and she was fine.
Mom was waiting in the doorway of her room.  She seemed fine, but she was wearing her pajama bottoms.  I got her changed back into day clothes.  I asked mom if she had a stomach ache, but she didn't. I wonder if mom got disoriented and thought it was time to go to bed.
I told the nurse that mom did seem to have a lot of gas.  And there were often poo stains on her underwear.  They said they would make a note of this and follow up.
There was some laundry in her hamper.  I watered the poinsettias.
I found half a banana rolled up in a napkin in her drawer and an egg. There was a pair of men's socks which I returned to the nurse's station.  There was one white sock with no partner and a pair of pink socks that used to be white.
I noticed Donna was chatting with Joan, the new room mate.  I wonder if mom is jealous.  The new lady is in an electric wheelchair.  They went off to the television room.
Mom came back shortly after to find me rummaging through her drawers.
I could only find one deck of cards in mom's drawer so I decided to take everything out and tidy.
Mom has been hoarding napkins.  She agreed there were too many and we should throw most of them out.  I gave her some and asked her to put them in the garbage.  She seemed confused about what to do, so I showed her the garbage bin.  Then she was happy to help me.  I still couldn't find the deck of cards.  I asked at the nursing station, but they said nothing had been turned in.
I went to join the gang in the television room and told them we couldn't play cards because one of the decks was missing.  Donna said she would help me find it.  It was in her utility drawer.  At least she remembered that she had taken them and where she had put them.
I put extra chairs around Shanta's table by the fish tank, while Donna went to round up the gang.
Shanta asked about Michael several times.  He came by, but he said he didn't want to play.  Mom won twice, Donna won twice and Anna won the last game.

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