Saturday, 17 December 2016

Saturday afternoon

Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016
Took me over an hour to get there.  Something is causing delays with the buses.  I'm glad I'm travelling by day today and not night.  There are a lot of people around. Today it was very cold and icy.  I had to wait around in the cold. And I had to carry heavy stuff: mom's clothes, box of cookies and giant cards.
The residents had just enjoyed some live entertainment when I arrived.  Mom and Donna were right in front.  Donna said that some people had gotten up to dance.
They were having refreshments.  I joined them for tea.  Donna passed over to me the remnants of mom's carrot cake.  I ate it. Someone came around later and gave me a piece of sweet bread.
We went back to the room and I went through mom's clothes drawers and the laundry hamper.
Lots of laundry.  Some underpants with poop streaks which I put in the communal hamper.
I remembered to bring my sewing kit and to sew on the button of mom's pink pajamas.
Donna had received some Christmas cards so I helped her open them and read them to her.
I'll have to bring some Christmas cards for mom.
Donna complained about someone using lots of toilet paper and not flushing the toilet.  I hope it's not mom.
Mom complained about being fat.  I told her to eat lots of veggies and cut down on sweets.  She assured me that she didn't eat sweets.
I took mom's measurements. 36-34-40
We went for a little walk.  Mom was concerned that it was time for me to go.
I met one of the activity workers on the way to the bus stop.  She said she had worked there for 5 years.  She said mom could count to 50.  I said we were looking at mom's photo album today and she didn't recognize herself.
I brought a box of cookies for the care staff and the deck of huge cards for Ming.
I did alterations on two pairs of pants.  I brought them in as well as some underwear and a heavier top to be labeled at the nurses' station.

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