Saturday, 3 December 2016


Saturday, December 3, 2016
They were all watching the news in the Fraser room when I arrived.
I took mom with me to her room.  Mom really needs to either wear a bra or lose weight.
The Poinsettias are still lovely.  I'll try to remember to water them Tuesday.
Today mom ate half a persimmon.  She really liked it.  She offered me half of the last piece, but I told her that I had already eaten my share.  She was fine with that.  I'll have to remember to cut the pieces smaller next time.
I think everyone was bored because they were all eager to play cards.
Donna had difficulty getting out of her chair.  She said the floor was slippery.  I guess her arthritis is getting worse.
We played in the fish tank room.
Mom was having difficulty figuring out what to do.  She didn't understand that she was supposed to turn the card that is called over.   She tried to take the card that was called. Michael is the sharpest.  Anna is too busy looking at Shanta's cards. Eventually they all got the hang of it.
Mom won 3 times and Michael won 2 times.
The nurse came to give them their medication while we were playing.
Anna asked if I would take her home with me.
The new lady was slumped over in her wheelchair.  She's 92 according to the flowers on her table.
She's visually impaired and can only hear out of one ear.  She must be lonely.

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