Sunday, 24 June 2018

Ethel comes for a visit

Sunday, June 24, 2018
They were doing arm exercises when I arrived.  After the activity, I took mom to the washroom, but nothing came out.  The aide told me that she had had a bowel movement at lunch.
I took mom back to the fish tank room to sit with Donna and Zorka.
I wonder if they drug the residents more on weekends.
Ethel came for a visit.  I wanted to take mom and Donna outside.  It turned out to be an ordeal.  The automatic door doesn't work.  Ethel had to open the door for me.  I had to back Donna's wheelchair outside and now there is a gate that separates the two courtyards.  Mom was reluctant to come.
We probably spent all but two minutes outside.
Donna was agreeable, but mom was uncooperative.
We went to sit down for coffee.  I bought some red bean buns.  We all ate our buns, but mom didn't eat hers.  I ripped off a small piece, but she wouldn't eat it.  I then put the small piece in her hand and she ate it.  She didn't drink her tea at all.  She only ate another small piece later, but I ate most of the bun. 
Mom talked a lot, but she seemed to be expressing her anger about something.  I wonder if she needed to be toileted.  I asked her, but she said it wasn't necessary.  Of course, I can't go by what she says. 
Weight class had started.  I wheeled Donna over and had a bit of difficulty coaxing mom.  Once mom saw what was going on, she was happy to participate.

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