Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Poop running down her leg

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Mom was sitting at the table being fed by an aide.  She had drank most of the beverages:  her apple juice, my apple juice and some of her Boost.  Everyone had their meals except me.  Spaghetti with a red meat sauce.  It was good.  Caesar salad and garlic toast.  Lemon meringue pie.  Mom had pureed green and orange stuff.  Some mashed potatoes and some pureed brown stuff.  She was not happy.  After I was served my food, I tried to coax her but she would have none of it.  I just dug into my food and enjoyed it.  I tried to give her a taste of my garlic toast, but she wasn't interested.  I put some food on a spoon and put her hand on the spoon and then she fed herself.  I had to repeat this motion a few times and she eventually ate about a 1/3 of her food.  I got her drink one tiny container of cream.
I took Donna to the fish tank room.
Then I tried to get mom to get up, but she was reluctant.  Eventually I pushed her chair back and she came with me.  She was walking stiffly.  When we got to her room, I could smell poo, but I didn't know where it was coming from.  It was mom!
After cleaning the toilet seat with disinfectant and wiping it down with a towel, I pulled mom's pants down and sat her on the toilet seat.  She hardly had any poop on her diaper.  I was mostly running down her leg, on her trousers, and some even on her shoe.  Luckily I was able to calm mom down and keep her hands away from the poop.  I removed her diaper, the pants, the socks and shoes.  I got lots of towels and wiped her down.  I started with her legs first.  The fold between her stomach and her legs, etc.  Luckily I have a bad sense of smell.  There was a lot of very soft poop.  Apparently there was some poop in the hallway as well.  Near the nurses station I think.
I had mom sitting on the bed and was getting ready to put a pair of pants on her when Chris arrived.  He said they were cleaning poop from the floor.  It must have been mom.  I got her to put a pair of pants on mom and get her a new pair of shoes.  I cleaned up the mess as best as I could.  I put the poopie clothes and towels in the laundry hamper.  I wiped her shoes with the disinfectant cloth and it came off from her shoes. 
Chris was so helpful, not.  Why don't you buy mom some slip ons?  I did, but she pooped on them. 
We played cards with Zorka, Donna and Michael.  Zorka is so agreeable.  Mom was grouchy even though she won twice.  She didn't like Chris touching her cards.
After we played, I took mom back to the room.  She took a pee.  I got her to drink some of the Boost and eat some of the banana.  We went through her photo book.  Then, I took mom out to join Donna.  I put the banana in mom's hands and she continued to nibble at it.

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