Monday, 18 June 2018

Summer clothes

Monday, June 18, 2018
Mom was seated at the table as were Donna, Jacquie and Edward.  They had all been served their meals.  I pushed mom's chair over to Donna's side to make room for my chair.  I put the spoon in some food and then put her hand on the spoon.  She started to feed herself.  I felt happy.
We had pasta, salad and garlic toast.  Dessert was vanilla pudding.  Mom ate a little pudding.
After dinner, I took mom back to the room.  Her bum looked fine and she didn't grimace in pain.
I gave mom her Boost to drink.  I drank my tea.
I brought some summer clothes for mom because it has become very hot recently.  Mom was wearing a short sleeve cotton sweater and a cotton shirt.  I removed them and put on a short-sleeve cotton t-shirt.  She was happy.
She brushed her teeth albeit very briefly.  She swished and spit.
We went to join the balloon activity.  I played "war" and "go fish" with Michael.
After the activity I went to mom to get her to stand so I could toilet her.  She didn't want to get up.
I let her stay there.

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