Thursday, 7 June 2018

Field Trip to SFU

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Mom was doing an arm activity when I arrived.  I went to her room to tidy up.
I couldn't find the cards.  I reported it at the nurses station and the person there told me to see the front information desk.  The front information desk told me to go to the nurses station.  Michael told me that he had the cards.
Then I took mom to the washroom.  Her diaper was clean and she just took a pee.
I combed her hair and wiped her face.
Mom hardly ate anything.  I gave her some of my pizza and some pineapple. I thought maybe she had to take a poop.  I was taking her back to the room when an aide scooped her up.  She wanted to make sure that mom was ready for her outing.
Mom just took a pee.  I went over mom's photo book with her.  She finished off the pureed beef barley soup and the Boost that I had brought with us from the dining room.
I gave mom a couple of pieces of orange and brushed her teeth.
I was hoping to hear the violin concert.  I didn't know about the outing to SFU.
We waited a long time in the hallway for the residents to be rounded up.
It took a long time to load the bus as well.
Mom wasn't happy about going.  She didn't want to get on the bus.  I had to coax her.  She was upset when she found out that I wasn't going.  I tried to reassure her.  She didn't even wave at my from the bus.  Michael waved.
I forgot my tablet so I had to go back to pick it up later in the evening.
Mom was sitting by the nurses station in a fluffy pink house coat.  She was wearing a pink night gown.  I took mom back to her room.  Donna was getting her diaper changed. I brushed mom's teeth.
She accepted a hug from me in her room, but she refused a hug when we took her out to the nurses station again.  Maybe I should have taken her back to the room.

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