Friday 18 January 2019

Mom goes to bed early

Friday, January 18, 2019
Mom was sitting with Donna and Edward.  Jacquie joined us later.  Mom got served first.  She wasn't going to eat anything.  She was contrary.  She drank some apple juice and when I tried to take it away from her she wouldn't give the cup up.
I massaged mom's legs.  She really likes it.  She always thanks me.
After everyone else had left, she finally let me feed her a few spoonfuls.  She drank all her beverages.
I was going to take her back to the room to toilet her, but they were doing one of mom's favourite activities in the fish tank room.  They were using foam sticks to hit a balloon.  Mom was quite aggressive and hit the balloon hard with either her hand or the foam stick.
After the activity, I took mom back to the room to toilet her, but she would have none of it.  I got her out of the wheelchair, in the bathroom and had her pants down, but she was indignant and pulled her pants back up.  Her diaper looked relatively dry with skid marks.  Larry had told me earlier that mom had had a diaper change before dinner. 
I combed mom's hair, but she wouldn't let me brush her teeth.
I tried to get her back into the wheelchair but she laid down in the bed.  I took her shoes off and pulled the covers over her and left shortly after.

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